Arquivo da categoria: arXiv

The snarXiv vs arXiv

Até certo tempo atrás existia por aqui o famoso “Gerador de Lero Lero” (um site homenagem: A premissa do (des)serviço era simples: o usuário entrava algumas frases e o site se encarregava de inseri-las no corpo de um texto produzido artificialmente e que tinha a aparência (somente a aparência mesmo…) de algo repleto de conteúdo e coerência. O serviço devia ser bem popular entre estudantes preguiçosos na tentativa de ludibriar professores igualmente ou mais preguiçosos que não se davam ao trabalho de ler os trabalhos de seus alunos.

Eis então que descubro uma evolução do primitivo Gerador de Lero Lero: o snarXiv. Esse serviço, criado em 2010, tem como objetivo gerar aleatoriamente artigos científicos (mais precisamente apenas abstracts e títulos, por enquanto) de Física de altas energias através de um algoritmo que leva em conta as últimas tendências da área. Nas palavras do próprio criador (

The snarXiv is a ran­dom high-energy the­ory paper gen­er­a­tor incor­po­rat­ing all the lat­est trends, entropic rea­son­ing, and excit­ing mod­uli spaces. The arXiv is sim­i­lar, but occa­sion­ally less ran­dom.

A diversão já estaria garantida pela última frase da citação acima, mas existe ainda um jogo sensacional: “snarXiv vs arXiv” (, onde são apresentados dois títulos de supostos papers e o jogador tem que adivinhar qual deles é de um artigo verdadeiro. Você pode inclusive submeter seu resultado para um ranking que é exibido no site. Resta saber como diferenciar um jogador mediano de um gerador de chutes aleatórios, já que em cada questão a probabilidade de acerto é 50% 🙂


Meu resultado: pior que um macaco!

Existe ainda um irmão do snarXiv na comunidade de computação: o SCIgen ( A coisa deu tão certo (ou não tão certo…) que somente agora uma série de artigos de conferência (proceedings) aceitos e supostamente revisados por pares foram descobertos e classificados como falsos:

Vá correndo agora checar a sua lista de referências antes de submeter seu próximo artigo! 🙂

Mapa de categorias e palavras-chave do arXiv (Paperscape)

Paperscape é uma excelente ferramenta para visualização do arXiv. Logo quando você abre a página, um grande mapa com as categorias mães do arXiv é exibido. O usuário pode dar zoom em uma determinada área do mapa e observar sub-categorias e, se aprofundando mais, palavras-chave dos pre-prints. O legal é que o serviço quantifica o número de trabalhos num dado assunto através do tamanho do raio do círculo que representa tal assunto.

Se a utilidade do site fosse apenas esta, já estaria de muito bom tamanho. No entanto, existe ainda a área denominada “my paperscape”, onde o usuário pode fazer uso de diversas ferramentas de busca, criar gráficos mostrando a conexão entre papers,  criar tags pessoais etc. 

Vale muito a pena conhecer o serviço!

Bookworm arXiv

Muito legal essa espécie de “google trends” desenvolvido para o arXiv. Você entra alguns termos, escolhe a categoria onde será efetuada a busca, e o site te retorna um gráfico como este:





O site:

Efeitos quânticos em sistemas biológicos

Está aí um tema cujo interesse tem crescido bastante ultimamente, e não é para menos… Cada vez mais coleta-se evidências que indicam a persistência de efeitos quânticos em organismos vivos, o que é algo totalmente inesperado: espera-se que o “palco” dos efeitos quânticos seja o mundo microscópico, com raras exceções conhecidas:  a superfluidez e a supercondutividade, são dois exemplos de fenômenos quânticos que se manifestam em escala macroscópica, mas em condições bastante extremas (de temperatura, por exemplo). Efeitos quânticos à temperaura ambiente em escalas não tão pequenas  e em sistemas biológicos seria uma descoberta revolucionária que daria margem à diversas aplicações.

Um interessante pre-print sobre o assunto foi publicado recentemente:

Até mais

ArXiv highlights, vol.10

Depois de muito tempo, mais uma lista dos últimos pre-prints mais interessantes do arXiv. Essencialmente, só tenho tido tempo de ler o astro-ph, que é onde se situa minha principal área de pesquisa, a cosmologia.

The future of cosmology and the role of non-linear perturbations. (arXiv:1111.6853v1 [astro-ph.CO]):

Cosmological perturbation theory is a key tool to study the universe. The
linear or first order theory is well understood, however, developing and
applying the theory beyond linear order is at the cutting edge of current
research in theoretical cosmology. In this article, I will describe some
signatures of non-linear perturbation theory that do not exist at linear order,
focusing on vorticity generation at second order. In doing so, we discuss why
this, among other features such as induced gravitational waves and
non-Gaussianities, shows that cosmological perturbation theory is crucial for
testing models of the universe.

Cosmological Perturbations from a Group Theoretical Point of View. (arXiv:1111.7027v1 [gr-qc]):

We present a new approach to cosmological perturbations based on the theory
of Lie groups and their representations. After re-deriving the standard
covariant formalism from SO(3) considerations, we provide a new expansion of
the perturbed Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric in terms of
irreducible representations of the Lorentz group. The resulting decomposition
splits into (scalar, scalar), (scalar, vector) and (vector, vector) terms.
These equations directly correspond to the standard Lifshitz classification of
cosmological perturbations using scalar, vector and tensor modes which arise
from the irreducible SO(3) representation of the spatial part of the metric.
While the Lorentz group basis matches the underlying local symmetries of the
FLRW spacetime better than the SO(3), the new equations do not provide further
simplification compared to the standard cosmological perturbation theory. We
conjecture that this is due to the fact that the so(3,1) ~ su(2) x su(2)
Lorentz algebra has no pair of commuting generators commuting with any of the
translation group generators.

Cosmological models and misunderstandings about them. (arXiv:1110.1828v2 [gr-qc] CROSS LISTED):

Advantages of inhomogeneous cosmological models that are exact solutions of
Einstein’s equations over linearised perturbations of homogeneous models are
presented. Examples of effects that can be described in the inhomogeneous ones
are given: the non-repeatable light paths, the observed anisotropies in the
cosmic microwave background, the redshift drift and the maximum diameter
distance. Criticisms of inhomogeneous models that are based on
misunderstandings or fallacious reasonings are pointed out and corrected; these
include the “weak singularity”, the positivity of deceleration “theorem”, the
“pathology” of redshift behaviour at the “critical point” and the alleged
necessity of the bang time to be constant.

Quantifying the behaviour of curvature perturbations during inflation. (arXiv:1111.6940v1 [astro-ph.CO]):

How much does the curvature perturbation change after it leaves the horizon,
and when should one evaluate the power spectrum? To answer these questions we
study single field inflation models numerically, and compare the evolution of
different curvature perturbations from horizon crossing to the end of
inflation. In particular we calculate the number of efolds it takes for the
curvature perturbation at a given wavenumber to settle down to within a given
fraction of their value at the end of inflation.

We find that e.g. in chaotic inflation, the amplitude of the comoving and the
curvature perturbation on uniform density hypersurfaces differ by up to 180 %
at horizon crossing assuming the same amplitude at the end of inflation, and
that it takes approximately 3 efolds for the curvature perturbation to be
within 1 % of its value at the end of inflation.

Zero-point quantum fluctuations in cosmology. (arXiv:1111.5575v1 [astro-ph.CO]):

We re-examine the classic problem of the renormalization of zero-point
quantum fluctuations in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker background. We discuss a
number of issues that arise when regularizing the theory with a momentum-space
cutoff, and show explicitly how introducing non-covariant counter-terms allows
to obtain covariant results for the renormalized vacuum energy-momentum tensor.
We clarify some confusion in the literature concerning the equation of state of
vacuum fluctuations. Further, we point out that the general structure of the
effective action becomes richer if the theory contains a scalar field phi with
mass m smaller than the Hubble parameter H(t). Such an ultra-light particle
cannot be integrated out completely to get the effective action. Apart from the
volume term and the Einstein-Hilbert term, that are reabsorbed into
renormalizations of the cosmological constant and Newton’s constant, the
effective action in general also has a term proportional to F(phi)R, for some
function F(phi). As a result, vacuum fluctuations of ultra-light scalar fields
naturally lead to models where the dark energy density has the form
rho_{DE}(t)=rho_X(t)+rho_Z(t), where rho_X is the component that accelerates
the Hubble expansion at late times and rho_Z(t) is an extra contribution
proportional to H^2(t). We perform a detailed comparison of such models with
CMB, SNIa and BAO data.

Slow Roll Inflation: A Somehow Different Perspective. (arXiv:1112.1083v1 [astro-ph.CO]):

In this note we point out that, contrary to the standard point of view, slow
roll inflation is due to high gravitational friction. We show that the
requirement of slow roll coincides with the requirement of a flat scalar field
potential in the case of minimally coupled scalar field. In this sense, the
search for a successful inflationary theory may be more fruitful by shifting
the focus on models with high gravitational friction. We review then a
gravitational mechanism, the so called “Gravitationally Enhanced Friction”
mechanism, such that high gravitational friction is dynamically generated
during inflation allowing even steep (i.e. non-flat) scalar potential to

Stochastic Quantization and Casimir Forces. (arXiv:1110.2308v1 [quant-ph]):

In this paper we show how the stochastic quantization method developed by
Parisi and Wu can be used to obtain Casimir forces. Both quantum and thermal
fluctuations are taken into account by a Langevin equation for the field. The
method allows the Casimir force to be obtained directly, derived from the
stress tensor instead of the free energy. It only requires the spectral
decomposition of the Laplacian operator in the given geometry. The formalism
provides also an expression for the fluctuations of the force. As an
application we compute the Casimir force on the plates of a finite piston of
arbitrary cross section. Fluctuations of the force are also directly obtained,
and it is shown that, in the piston case, the variance of the force is twice
the force squared.

Cosmological constraints on non-standard inflationary quantum collapse models. (arXiv:1112.1830v1 [astro-ph.CO]):

We briefly review an important shortcoming –unearthed in previous works– of
the standard version of the inflationary model for the emergence of the seeds
of cosmic structure. We consider here some consequences emerging from a
proposal inspired on ideas of Penrose and Di\’osi about a quantum-gravity
induced reduction of the wave function, which has been put forward to address
the shortcomings, arguing that its effect on the inflaton field is what can
lead to the emergence of the seeds of cosmic structure. The proposal leads to a
deviation of the primordial spectrum from the scale-invariant
Harrison-Zel’dovich one, and consequently, to a different CMB power spectrum.
We perform statistical analyses to test two quantum collapse schemes with
recent data from the CMB, including the 7-yr release of WMAP and the matter
power spectrum measured using LRGs by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Results
from the statistical analyses indicate that several collapse models are
compatible with CMB and LRG data, and establish constraints on the free
parameters of the models. The data put no restriction on the timescale for the
collapse of the scalar field modes.

Is there a flatness problem in classical cosmology?. (arXiv:1112.1666v1 [astro-ph.CO]):

I briefly review the flatness problem within the context of classical
cosmology and examine some of the debate in the literature with regard to its
definition and even the question whether it exists. I then present some new
calculations for cosmological models which will collapse in the future;
together with previous work by others for models which will expand forever,
this allows one to examine the flatness problem quantitatively for all
cosmological models. This leads to the conclusion that the flatness problem
does not exist, not only for the cosmological models corresponding to the
currently popular values of lambda_0 and Omega_0 but indeed for all
Friedmann-Lema\^itre models.

Black-Scholes model under subordination. (arXiv:1111.3263v1 [q-fin.PR]):

In this paper we consider a new mathematical extension of the Black-Scholes
model in which the stochastic time and stock share price evolution is described
by two independent random processes. The parent process is Brownian, and the
directing process is inverse to the totally skewed, strictly \alpha-stable
process. The subordinated process represents the Brownian motion indexed by an
independent, continuous and increasing process. This allows us to introduce the
long-term memory effects in the classical Black-Scholes model.

ArXiv highlights, vol. 9

Scalar Field Cosmology I: Asymptotic Freedom and the Initial-Value Problem. (arXiv:1106.5282v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED): “

The purpose of this work is to use a renormalized quantum scalar field to
investigate very early cosmology, in the Planck era immediately following the
big bang. Renomalization effects make the field potential dependent on length
scale, and are important during the big bang era. We use the asymptotically
free Halpern-Huang scalar field, which is derived from renomalization-group
analysis, and solve Einstein’s equation with Robertson-Walker metric as an
initial-value problem. The main prediction is that the Hubble parameter follows
a power law: H\equiva/a\simt^{-p}, and the universe expands at an accelerated
rate: a\simexp t^{1-p}. This gives ‘dark energy’, with an equivalent
cosmological constant that decays in time like t^{-2p}, which avoid the
‘fine-tuning’ problem. The power law predicts a simple relation for the
galactic redshift. Comparison with data leads to the speculation that the
universe experienced a crossover transition, which was completed about 7
billion years ago.

Chaotic inflation and supersymmetry breaking. (arXiv:1106.6025v1 [hep-th]): “

We investigate the recently proposed class of chaotic inflation models in
supergravity with an arbitrary inflaton potential. These models are extended to
include matter fields in the visible sector and we employ a mechanism of SUSY
breaking based on a particular phenomenological version of the KKLT mechanism
(the KL model). We describe specific features of reheating in this class of
models and show how one can solve the cosmological moduli and gravitino
problems in this context.

Standard Cosmology Delayed. (arXiv:1106.6231v1 [gr-qc]): “

The introduction of a delay in the Friedmann equation of cosmological
evolution is shown to result in the very early universe undergoing the
necessary accelerated expansion in the usual radiation (or matter) dominated
phase. Occurring even without a violation of the strong energy condition, this
expansion slows down naturally to go over to the decelerated phase, namely the
standard Hubble expansion. This may obviate the need for a scalar field driven
inflationary epoch.

Did Edwin Hubble plagiarize?. (arXiv:1107.0442v1 [physics.hist-ph]): “

Recently Block published an astro-ph [arXiv:1106.3928 (2011)] insinuating
that Hubble censored a prior publication of his famous and seminal discovery of
the expansion of the universe. This issue was investigated by us in detail as
part of the book: The Quest for Chemical Element Genesis and What the Chemical
Elements Tell about the Universe (Accepted for publication, Springer Pub.
Heidelberg, 2011.) Since the book is due in few months, we extract here the
relevant parts.

Our summary: We exonerate Hubble from the charge that he censored or ignored
or plagiarized Lemaitre’s earlier theoretical discovery.

Chern-Simons Inflation and Baryogenesis. (arXiv:1107.0318v1 [hep-th]): “

We propose a model of inflation where the Chern-Simons interaction and vector
fields play a central role in generating an inflationary epoch. As a result, in
accord with the APS mechanism, the Sakharov conditions for baryogenesis are
self-consistently satisfied, and we calculate the net baryon asymmetry index in
terms of the gauge configuration necessary for inflation, based on the chiral
anomaly. Inflation begins with a large plasma density of interacting gauge
fields and fermions, which interact through gravity and the Chern Simons term.
The Chern-Simons term drives power from an initial white-noise spectrum of
gauge fields into a narrow-band of superhorizon wave vectors. At the same time,
the fermionic current and metric coupling amplifies the gauge field on
superhorizon scales. This phase-correlation and amplification of the gauge
field produces the correct conditions to maintain more than 60 e-folds of
inflation. Eventually the gauge field dissipates by producing the observed
baryon asymmetry $\frac{n_{b}}{s} \sim 10^{-10}$, through the chiral anomaly
and inflation ends.

Cosmological Perturbation Theory With Background Anisotropic Curvature. (arXiv:1107.0389v1 [gr-qc]): “

The theory of cosmological perturbations is extended to spacetimes displaying
isotropic expansion but anisotropic curvature. The perturbed Einstein equation
and Boltzmann equations for massless and massive particles are derived in a
general gauge and a decomposition of perturbations into harmonic modes and
moments is proposed. Generalization to the case where anisotropic expansion is
also present in the background is discussed.

Entropic Force Scenarios and Eternal Inflation. (arXiv:1107.1013v1 [hep-th]): “

We examine various entropic inflation scenarios, under the light of
eternality. After describing the inflation realization and the normal condition
for inflation to last at the background level, we investigate the conditions
for eternal inflation with the effect of thermal fluctuations produced from
standard radiation and from the holographic screen. Furthermore, we incorporate
stochastic quantum fluctuations through a phenomenological, Langevin analysis,
studying whether they can affect the inflation eternality. In
single-holographic-screen scenarios eternality can be easily obtained, while in
double-screen considerations inflation is eternal only in the high-energy
regime. Thus, from the cosmological point of view, one should take these into
account before he can consider entropic gravity as a candidate for the
description of nature. However, form the string theory point of view, inflation
eternality may form the background for the ‘Landscape’ of string/M theory
vacua, leading to new perspectives in entropy gravity.

ArXiv Highlights, vol. 8

Inflation and Loop Quantum Cosmology. (arXiv:1011.5516v1 [gr-qc]): “

On the one hand, inflation is an extremely convincing scenario: it solves
most cosmological paradoxes and generates fluctuations that became the seeds
for the growth of structures. It, however, suffers from a ‘naturalness’
problem: generating initial conditions for inflation is far from easy. On the
other hand, loop quantum cosmology is very successful: it solves the Big Bang
singularity through a non-perturbative and background-independent quantization
of general relativity. It, however, suffers from a key drawback: it is
extremely difficult to test. Recent results can let us hope that inflation and
LQC could mutually cure those pathologies: LQC seems to naturally generate
inflation and inflation could allow us to test LQC.

The Cosmological Constant Problem from the Point of View of String Theory. (arXiv:1011.5708v1 [hep-th]): “

The quantum field theory prediction of the cosmological constant is 120
orders of magnitude higher than the observed value. This is known as the
cosmological constant problem. Here, we deal with the cosmological constant as
a scalar field generated by the reduced extra dimensions, following
Kaluza-Klein reduction, in the superstring theory frame, where the vacuum
energy is the minimum of this field. We find methods for calculating the
cosmological constant, whose value is much lower than those obtained with the
current methods of quantum field theory. We conclude that the small
cosmological constant value could be explained by the behavior of the mentioned
scalar field, and finally we discuss a possible explanation for the observed
accelerated expansion of the Universe.

The cosmological backreaction: gauge (in)dependence, observers and scalars. (arXiv:1011.4921v1 [gr-qc] CROSS LISTED): “

We discuss several issues related to a recent proposal for defining classical
spatial averages to be used in the so-called cosmological backreaction problem.
In the large averaging-volume limit all gauge dependence disappears and
different averages can be univocally characterized by the observers associated
with different scalar fields. The relation between such averaging procedure and
the standard one is emphasized and a gauge invariant way to select different
observers is presented. For finite averaging volumes we show that, within our
proposal, a residual gauge dependence is left, but is suppressed by several

The Logic behind Feynman’s Paths. (arXiv:1011.4971v1 [quant-ph] CROSS LISTED): “

The classical notions of continuity and mechanical causality are left in
order to refor- mulate the Quantum Theory starting from two principles: I) the
intrinsic randomness of quantum process at microphysical level, II) the
projective representations of sym- metries of the system. The second principle
determines the geometry and then a new logic for describing the history of
events (Feynman’s paths) that modifies the rules of classical probabilistic
calculus. The notion of classical trajectory is replaced by a history of
spontaneous, random an discontinuous events. So the theory is reduced to
determin- ing the probability distribution for such histories according with
the symmetries of the system. The representation of the logic in terms of
amplitudes leads to Feynman rules and, alternatively, its representation in
terms of projectors results in the Schwinger trace formula.

General inflaton potentials in supergravity. (arXiv:1011.5945v1 [hep-th]): “

We describe a way to construct supergravity models with an arbitrary inflaton
potential V ({\phi}) and show that all other scalar fields in this class of
models can be stabilized at the inflationary trajectory by a proper choice of
the K\’ahler potential.

Common Mistakes in Writing Astronomy Literature in English. (arXiv:1011.5973v1 [astro-ph.IM]): “

We have collected and corrected some common mistakes made by Chinese students
in writing astronomy literature in English. Brief explanations of these
mistakes are given in Chinese. We plan to update this collection periodically.
Comments, suggestions and criticisms are all welcome.

Astrophysical Probes of Fundamental Physics. (arXiv:1011.6591v1 [astro-ph.CO]): “

The dramatic confrontation between new observations and theories of the early
and recent universe makes cosmology one of the most rapidly advancing fields in
the physical sciences. The universe is a unique laboratory in which to probe
fundamental physics, the rationale being to start from fundamental physics
inspired models and explore their consequences in sufficient quantitative
detail to be able to identify key astrophysical and cosmological tests of the
underlying theory (or developing new tests when appropriate). An unprecedented
number of such tests will be possible in the coming years, by exploiting the
ever improving observational data. In this spirit I will highlight some open
issues in cosmology and particle physics and provide some motivation for this

Non-Gaussianity in Two-Field Inflation. (arXiv:1011.6675v1 [astro-ph.CO]): “

We derive semi-analytic formulae for the local bispectrum and trispectrum in
general two-field inflation, and provide a simple geometric recipe for building
observationally allowed models with observable non-Gaussianity. We show that
the trispectrum can be expressed entirely in terms of spectral observables,
which provides a new consistency relation unique to two-field inflation. We
express the bispectrum in terms of model-independent physical quantities, with
the exception of one model-dependent term that must be calculated and that
represents the coupling between fields. We show that in order to generate
observably large non-Gaussianity during inflation, the sourcing of curvature
modes by isocurvature modes must be extremely sensitive to the initial
conditions. We prove that this condition is satisfied only when neighboring
trajectories through the two-dimensional field space dramatically diverge
during inflation. Geometrically, this means that the inflaton must roll along a
ridge in the potential V for many e-foldings, and that its trajectory must turn
slightly (but not too sharply) in field space. Therefore, it follows that
two-field scenarios with attractor solutions necessarily produce small
non-Gaussianity. This explains why it has been so difficult to achieve large
non-Gaussianity in two-field inflation, and why it has only been achieved in a
narrow class of models like hybrid inflation and certain product potentials
where the potential and/or the initial conditions are fine-tuned. Many of our
conclusions generalize at least qualitatively to the case of general
multi-field inflation.

Field theory aspects of cosmology and black holes. (arXiv:1011.6570v1 [hep-th]): “

In this thesis we study some aspects of cosmology and black holes using field
theoretic techniques. In second chapter, we present Lagrangian formulation for
the non-relativistic as well as relativistic generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG).
In rest of the thesis we discuss alternative approaches to compute the fluxes
of Hawking radiation. These methods are based on covariant gauge/gravitational
anomalies and chiral effective action. We also discuss a criterion to
differentiate various black hole vacua within the framework of covariant
anomaly approach.

Informational derivation of Quantum Theory. (arXiv:1011.6451v1 [quant-ph]): “

Quantum theory can be derived from purely informational principles. Five
elementary axioms-causality, perfect distinguishability, ideal compression,
local distinguishability, and pure conditioning-define a broad class of
theories of information-processing that can be regarded as a standard. One
postulate-purification-singles out quantum theory within this class. The main
structures of quantum theory, such as the representation of mixed states as
convex combinations of perfectly distinguishable pure states, are derived
directly from the principles without using the Hilbert space framework.

One-loop quantum gravity repulsion in the early Universe. (arXiv:1011.6257v1 [gr-qc]): “

Perturbative quantum gravity is used to compute the lowest order corrections
to the classical, spatially flat cosmological FLRW solution (for the
radiation). The presented approach is analogous to the approach used to compute
quantum corrections to the Coulomb potential in electrodynamics, or rather to
the approach used to compute quantum corrections to the Schwarzschild solution
in gravity. In the framework of the standard perturbative quantum gravity, it
is shown that the corrections to the classical deceleration, coming from the
one-loop graviton vacuum polarization (self-energy), have (UV cutoff free)
opposite to the classical repulsive properties which are not negligible in the
very early Universe. The repulsive ‘quantum forces’ are akin to those known
from loop quantum cosmology.

Particle asymmetries in the early universe. (arXiv:1011.6282v1 [hep-ph]): “

The total lepton asymmetry $l=\sum_f l_f$ in our universe is only poorly
constrained by theories and experiments. It might be orders of magnitudes
larger than the observed baryon asymmetry $b\simeq {\cal O}(10^{-10})$, $|l|/b
\leq {\cal O}(10^{9})$. We found that the dynamics of the cosmic QCD transition
changes for large asymmetries. Predictions for asymmetries in a single flavour
$l_f$ allow even larger values. We find that asymmetries of $l_f\leq {\cal
O}(1)$ in a single or two flavours change the relic abundance of WIMPs.
However, large lepton and large individual lepton flavour asymmetries
influences significantly the dynamics of the early universe.

Non-Markovian memory in quantum process tomography and a preparation independent map. (arXiv:1011.6138v1 [quant-ph]): “

Recently it has been pointed out how differences in preparation procedures
for quantum experiments can lead to non-trivial differences in the results of
the experiment. The difference arise from the initial correlations between the
system and environment. Therefore, any quantum experiment that is prone to the
influences from the environment must be prepared carefully. In this paper, we
study a quantum process tomography procedure that yields a result independent
of the preparation procedure. We investigate the properties of this map and
find an approach to distinguish the role of initial correlation in the dynamics
of the system.

Non-Markovian Dynamics of Quantum and Classical Correlations in the Presence of System-Bath Coherence. (arXiv:1011.5114v1 [quant-ph]): “

We present a detailed study of the dynamics of correlations in non-Markovian
environments, applying the hierarchy equations approach. This theoretical
treatment is able to take the system-bath interaction into consideration
carefully. It is shown that crosses and sudden changes of classical and quantum
correlations can happen if we gradually reduce the strength of the interactions
between qubits. For some special initial states, sudden transitions between
classical and quantum correlations even occur.

ArXiv highlights, vol.7

Inflation in Entropic Cosmology: Primordial Perturbations and non-Gaussianities. (arXiv:1011.1245v1 [hep-th] CROSS LISTED): ”

We investigate thermal inflation in double-screen entropic cosmology. We find
that its realization is general, resulting from the system evolution from
non-equilibrium to equilibrium. Furthermore, going beyond the background
evolution, we study the primordial curvature perturbations arising from the
universe interior, as well as from the thermal fluctuations generated on the
holographic screens. We show that the power spectrum is nearly scale-invariant
with a red tilt, while the tensor-to-scalar ratio is in agreement with
observations. Finally, we examine the non-Gaussianities of primordial curvature
perturbations, and we find that a sizable value of the non-linearity parameter
is possible due to holographic statistics on the outer screen.

A stochastic model of evolution. (arXiv:0909.2108v2 [math.PR] UPDATED): ”

We propose a stochastic model for evolution. Births and deaths of species
occur with constant probabilities. Each new species is associated with a
fitness sampled from the uniform distribution on [0,1]. Every time there is a
death event then the type that is killed is the one with the smallest fitness.
We show that there is a sharp phase transition when the birth probability is
larger than the death probability. The set of species with fitness higher than
a certain critical value approach an uniform distribution. On the other hand
all the species with fitness less than the critical disappear after a finite
(random) time.

Question Isotropy. (arXiv:1011.2240v1 [astro-ph.CO]): ”

The ‘cosmological principle’ was set up early without realizing its
implications for the horizon problem, and almost entirely without support from
observational data. Consistent signals of anisotropy have been found in data on
electromagnetic propagation, polarizations of QSOs and $CMB$ temperature maps.
The axis of Virgo is found again and again in signals breaking isotropy, from
independent observables in independent energy regimes. There are no
satisfactory explanations of these effects in conventional astrophysics.
Axion-photon mixing and propagation in axion condensates are capable of
encompassing the data.

Constraining Entropic Cosmology. (arXiv:1011.2226v1 [astro-ph.CO]): ”

It has been recently proposed that the interpretation of gravity as an
emergent, entropic force might have nontrivial implications to cosmology. Here
two approaches are investigated: in one, the Friedman equation receives
entropic contributions from the usually neglected surface terms, and in
another, the extra terms are derived from quantum corrections to the entropy
formula. UV terms may drive inflation, avoiding a recently derived no-go
theorem, though in some cases leading to a graceful exit problem. IR terms can
generate dark energy, alleviating the cosmological constant problem. The
quantum corrections are bounded by their implications to the BBN, and the
surface terms are constrained in addition by their effect upon the behavior of
matter. Likelihood analyses are performed to constrain the modifications by the
SNeIa, BAO and CMB data. It is found that a monomial correction to the
area-entropy formula results in late acceleration in very good agreement with
observations, which then turn out to be compatible with positive curvature. The
evolution of perturbations is deduced by assuming the Jebsen-Birkhoff theorem.
Distinct signatures can then be identified in the large scale structure
formation. Furthermore, it is shown that the visible universe satisfies the
Bekenstein bound.

Breaking of de Sitter Symmetry. (arXiv:1011.2241v1 [hep-th]): ”

We show that an interacting spin-0 field on a de Sitter space background will
break the underlying de Sitter symmetry. This is done first for a (1+1) de
Sitter space where a boson-fermion correspondence permits us to solve certain
interacting theories by transforming them into free ones of opposite
statistics. A massless boson interacting by a sine-Gordon potential is shown to
be equivalent to a free massive fermion with the mass depending on the de
Sitter time thus breaking the symmetry explicitly. We then show that for larger
dimensions and any boson potential, to one loop, an anomaly develops and the
currents generating the de Sitter transformations are not conserved.

The Wall of Fundamental Constants. (arXiv:1011.1504v1 [astro-ph.CO]): ”

We consider the signatures of a domain wall produced in the spontaneous
symmetry breaking involving a dilaton-like scalar field coupled to
electromagnetism. Domains on either side of the wall exhibit slight differences
in their respective values of the fine-structure constant, alpha. If such a
wall is present within our Hubble volume, absorption spectra at large redshifts
may or may not provide a variation in alpha relative to the terrestrial value,
depending on our relative position with respect to the wall. This wall could
resolve the “contradiction” between claims of a variation of alpha based on
Keck/Hires data and of the constancy of alpha based on VLT data. We derive the
properties of the wall and the parameters of the underlying microscopic model
required to reproduce the possible spatial variation of alpha. We discuss the
constraints on the existence of the low-energy domain wall and describe its
observational implications concerning the variation of the fundamental

Curvature Perturbations and non-Gaussianities from Waterfall Phase Transition during Inflation. (arXiv:1010.6292v1 [astro-ph.CO]): ”

We consider a variant of hybrid inflation where the waterfall phase
transition happens during inflation. By adjusting the parameters associated
with the mass of the waterfall field, we arrange that the phase transition is
not sharp so inflation can proceed for an extended period after the waterfall
phase transition. We show that one can work in the limit where the quantum
back-reactions are subdominant compared to the classical back-reactions. It is
shown that significant amount of large scale curvature perturbations are
induced from the entropy perturbations. The curvature perturbations spectral
index runs from a blue spectrum to a red spectrum depending on whether the mode
of interest leaves the horizon before the phase transition or after the phase
transition. This can have interesting observational consequences on CMB. The
non-Gaussianity parameter $f_{NL}$ is calculated to be $\lesssim 1$ but much
bigger than the slow-roll parameters.

A theory of extra radiation in the Universe. (arXiv:1010.5693v1 [hep-ph]): ”

Recent cosmological observations, such as the measurement of the primordial
4He abundance, CMB, and large scale structure, give preference to the existence
of extra radiation component, Delta N_nu > 0. The extra radiation may be
accounted for by particles which were in thermal equilibrium and decoupled
before the big bang nucleosynthesis. Broadly speaking, there are two
possibilities: 1) there are about 10 particles which have very weak couplings
to the standard model particles and decoupled much before the QCD phase
transition; 2) there is one or a few light particles with a reasonably strong
coupling to the plasma and it decouples after the QCD phase transition.
Focusing on the latter case, we find that a light chiral fermion is a suitable
candidate, which evades astrophysical constraints. Interestingly, such a
scenario may be confirmed at the LHC. As a concrete example, we show that such
a light fermion naturally appears in the E_6-inspired GUT.

Elementary Quantum Mechanics in a Space-time Lattice. (arXiv:1011.2544v1 [quant-ph]): ”

Studies of quantum fields and gravity suggest the existence of a minimal
length, such as Planck length \cite{Floratos,Kempf}. It is natural to ask how
the existence of a minimal length may modify the results in elementary quantum
mechanics (QM) problems familiar to us \cite{Gasiorowicz}. In this paper we
address a simple problem from elementary non-relativistic quantum mechanics,
called ‘particle in a box’, where the usual continuum (1+1)-space-time is
supplanted by a space-time lattice. Our lattice consists of a grid of
$\lambda_0 \times \tau_0 $ rectangles, where $\lambda_0$, the lattice
parameter, is a fundamental length (say Planck length) and, we take $\tau_0$ to
be equal to $\lambda_0/c$. The corresponding Schrodinger equation becomes a
difference equation, the solution of which yields the $q$-eigenfunctions and
$q$-eigenvalues of the energy operator as a function of $\lambda_0 $. The
$q$-eigenfunctions form an orthonormal set and both $q$-eigenfunctions and
$q$-eigenvalues reduce to continuum solutions as $ \lambda_0 \rightarrow 0 .$
The corrections to eigenvalues because of the assumed lattice is shown to be
$O(\lambda_0^2).$ We then compute the uncertainties in position and momentum,
$\Delta x, \Delta p$ for the box problem and study the consequent modification
of Heisenberg uncertainty relation due to the assumption of space-time lattice,
in contrast to modifications suggested by other investigations such as

A unified framework for biological evolution and stochastic quantization. (arXiv:1011.1883v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] CROSS LISTED): ”

We investigate the profound relation between the equations of biological
evolution and quantum mechanics by writing a biologically inspired equation for
the stochastic dynamics of an ensemble of particles. Interesting behavior is
observed which is related to a new type of stochastic quantization. We find
that the probability distribution of the ensemble of particles can be
decomposed into eigenfunctions associated to a discrete spectrum of
eigenvalues. In absence of interactions between the particles, the
out-of-equilibrium dynamics asymptotically relaxes towards the fundamental
state. This phenomenon can be related with the Fisher theorem in biology. On
the contrary, in presence of scattering processes the evolution reaches a
steady state in which the distribution of the ensemble of particles is
characterized by a Bose-Einstein statistics. In order to show a concrete
example of this stochastic quantization we have solved explicitly the case in
which the potential energy has the harmonic oscillator form.

Non-linear corrections to inflationary power spectrum. (arXiv:1011.2572v1 [astro-ph.CO]): ”

We study non-linear contributions to the power spectrum of the curvature
perturbation on super-horizon scales, produced during slow-roll inflation
driven by a canonical single scalar field. We find that on large scales the
linear power spectrum completely dominates and leading non-linear corrections
remain totally negligible, indicating that we can safely rely on linear
perturbation theory to study inflationary power spectrum. We also briefly
comment on the infrared and ultraviolet behaviour of the non-linear

A Symbolic Summation Approach to Feynman Integral Calculus. (arXiv:1011.2656v1 [cs.SC]): ”

Given a Feynman parameter integral, depending on a single discrete variable
$N$ and a real parameter $\epsilon$, we discuss a new algorithmic framework to
compute the first coefficients of its Laurent series expansion in $\epsilon$.
In a first step, the integrals are expressed by hypergeometric multi-sums by
means of symbolic transformations. Given this sum format, we develop new
summation tools to extract the first coefficients of its series expansion
whenever they are expressible in terms of indefinite nested product-sum
expressions. In particular, we enhance the known multi-sum algorithms to derive
recurrences for sums with complicated boundary conditions, and we present new
algorithms to find formal Laurent series solutions of a given recurrence

Acta Physica, Phygg & Inspire

Bom, parece que os físicos estamos nos tornando mais sociáveis. Ou pelo menos tentando…

Acta Physica (AP) é uma rede social que visa integrar os físicos de todo o mundo de um modo parecido com o Myspace, Orkut e Facebook. Disse “modo parecido” pois a implementação não é, na minha opinião, tão boa quanto a dessas redes sociais mais populares. O serviço conta com grupos (equivalente às comunidades do Orkut), um fórum de discussões, um blog pessoal + perfil (seria equivalente à página “perfil” do Orkut) onde você pode inclusive importar seus tweets, serviço de bookmarks, chat, adição de amigos etc etc. Acho a idéia extremamente boa, mas tem algumas coisas que me desagradam, como o excesso de propagandas e a possibilidade de qualquer pessoa, físico ou não, entrar na comunidade, o que faz com que haja por lá alguns trolls e “físicos de araque” com suas teorias mirabolantes, o que baixa o nível da rede social. Me parece também que o AP não se tornou muito popular na comunidade física, pois o mesmo conta apenas com cerca de 600 membros. Acho que se um serviço como esse fosse criado, mantido e organizado por um esforço comum dos grandes “journals” da Física ele daria bons frutos. Um sistema top-down de distribuição de convites solucionaria a questão da seleção de membros. Poderia haver uma distribuição inicial de convites para os “grandes” da Física, que por sua vez iriam distribuindo para seus colaboradores e assim sucessivamente. Com o tempo, fatalmente chegaria um convite para seu orientador e depois para você. Mais informações:

Outro serviço interessante, e pra mim muito mais promissor que o Acta Physica, é o Phygg, essencialmente um Digg para preprints de Física! O funcionamento é essencialmente o mesmo que o da já consagrada rede social: você vê um artigo do arXiv e pode votar positivamente ou negativamente nele. Você pode ainda criar uma discussão em torno do preprint através de comentários públicos, salvá-lo no seu bookmark e compartilhá-lo dentro do grupo no qual você participa. Essa ferramenta é fantástica para quem trabalha num grupo de pesquisa. O site ainda mantém uma página perfil para cada membro com suas estatísticas pessoais. Um ponto negativo é que o Phygg não conta com todas as categorias presentes no arXiv.  Mais informações:

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Até a próxima!

ArXiv highlights, vol. 6

Physical consequences of P$\neq$NP. (arXiv:1010.0128v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED): “

Computational complexity theory is applied to simulations of adiabatic
quantum computation, providing predictions about the existence of quantum phase
transitions in certain disordered systems. Moreover, bounds on their
entanglement entropy at criticality are given. Concretely, physical
consequences are drawn from the assumption that the complexity classes P and NP

Quantum ChromoDynamics. (arXiv:1010.2330v1 [hep-ph]): “

These lectures on QCD stress the theoretical elements that underlie a wide
range of phenomenological studies, particularly gauge invariance,
renormalization, factorization and infrared safety. The three parts cover the
basics of QCD, QCD at tree level, and higher order corrections.

Statistical properties of entropy production derived from fluctuation theorems. (arXiv:1010.2319v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech]): “

Several implications of well-known fluctuation theorems, on the statistical
properties of the entropy production, are studied using various approaches. We
begin by deriving a tight lower bound on the variance of the entropy production
for a given mean of this random variable. It is shown that the Evans-Searles
fluctuation theorem alone imposes a significant lower bound on the variance
only when the mean entropy production is very small. It is then nonetheless
demonstrated that upon incorporating additional information concerning the
entropy production, this lower bound can be significantly improved, so as to
capture extensivity properties. Another important aspect of the fluctuation
properties of the entropy production is the relationship between the mean and
the variance, on the one hand, and the probability of the event where the
entropy production is negative, on the other hand. Accordingly, we derive upper
and lower bounds on this probability in terms of the mean and the variance.
These bounds are tighter than previous bounds that can be found in the
literature. Moreover, they are tight in the sense that there exist probability
distributions, satisfying the Evans-Searles fluctuation theorem, that achieve
them with equality. Finally, we present a general method for generating a wide
class of inequalities that must be satisfied by the entropy production. We use
this method to derive several new inequalities which go beyond the standard
derivation of the second law.

Techniques for n-Particle Irreducible Effective Theories. (arXiv:1010.2978v1 [hep-ph]): “

In this paper we show that the skeleton diagrams in the m-Loop nPI effective
action correspond to an infinite resummation of perturbative diagrams which is
void of double counting at the m-Loop level. We also show that the variational
equations of motion produced by the n-Loop nPI effective theory are equivalent
to the Schwinger-Dyson equations, up to the order at which they are consistent
with the underlying symmetries of the original theory. We use a diagrammatic
technique to obtain the 5-Loop 5PI effective action for a scalar theory with
cubic and quartic interactions, and verify that the result satisfies these two

An overview of the theories of the glass transition. (arXiv:1010.2938v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech]): “

The topic of the glass transition gives rise to a a wide diversity of views.
It is, accordingly, characterized by a lack of agreement on which would be the
most profitable theoretical perspective. In this chapter, I provide some
elements that can help sorting out the many theoretical approaches,
understanding their foundations, as well as discussing their validity and
mutual compatibility. Along the way, I describe the progress made in the last
twenty years, including new insights concerning the spatial heterogeneity of
the dynamics and the characteristic length scales associated with the glass
transition. An emphasis is put on those theories that associate glass formation
with growing collective behavior and emerging universality.

Particle cosmology. (arXiv:1010.2642v1 [hep-ph]): “

In these lectures the present status of the so-called standard cosmological
model, based on the hot Big Bang theory and the inflationary paradigm is
reviewed. Special emphasis is given to the origin of the cosmological
perturbations we see today under the form of the cosmic microwave background
anisotropies and the large scale structure and to the dark matter and dark
energy puzzles.

High-energy astroparticle physics. (arXiv:1010.2647v1 [hep-ph]): “

In these three lectures I discuss the present status of high-energy
astroparticle physics including Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR),
high-energy gamma rays, and neutrinos. The first lecture is devoted to
ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. After a brief introduction to UHECR I discuss
the acceleration of charged particles to highest energies in the astrophysical
objects, their propagation in the intergalactic space, recent observational
results by the Auger and HiRes experiments, anisotropies of UHECR arrival
directions, and secondary gamma rays produced by UHECR. In the second lecture I
review recent results on TeV gamma rays. After a short introduction to
detection techniques, I discuss recent exciting results of the H.E.S.S., MAGIC,
and Milagro experiments on the point-like and diffuse sources of TeV gamma
rays. A special section is devoted to the detection of extragalactic magnetic
fields with TeV gamma-ray measurements. Finally, in the third lecture I discuss
Ultra-High-Energy (UHE) neutrinos. I review three different UHE neutrino
detection techniques and show the present status of searches for diffuse
neutrino flux and point sources of neutrinos.

Fundamental physics in observational cosmology. (arXiv:1009.4327v1 [astro-ph.CO]): “

I discuss, through a few examples, how observational cosmology can provide
insights on hypothetical fundamental physics phenomena or mechanisms, such as
Grand Unified Theory, Superstring alternatives to the inflation paradigm, and
inflation itself.

Identifying the Inflaton. (arXiv:1009.3741v1 [astro-ph.CO]): “

We explore the ability of experimental physics to uncover the underlying
structure of the gravitational Lagrangian responsible for inflation. It is a
common expectation that improved measurements of the primordial perturbations
will result in a better understanding of the nature of the inflaton field. We
investigate to what extent this expectation is justifiable within the context
of a general inflationary Lagrangian. Our conclusion is that observables beyond
the adiabatic and tensor two-point functions on CMB scales are needed; in
particular, isocurvature modes or a combination of local non-Gaussiantities and
a precision measurement of the tensor spectral index will enable the most
successful reconstructions. We show that amongst these observables, the most
powerful probe of the inflationary Lagrangian is a precision measurement of the
tensor spectral index, as might be possible with a direct detection of
primordial gravitational waves.

The World as Evolving Information. (arXiv:0704.0304v3 [cs.IT] CROSS LISTED): “

This paper discusses the benefits of describing the world as information,
especially in the study of the evolution of life and cognition. Traditional
studies encounter problems because it is difficult to describe life and
cognition in terms of matter and energy, since their laws are valid only at the
physical scale. However, if matter and energy, as well as life and cognition,
are described in terms of information, evolution can be described consistently
as information becoming more complex.

The paper presents eight tentative laws of information, valid at multiple
scales, which are generalizations of Darwinian, cybernetic, thermodynamic,
psychological, philosophical, and complexity principles. These are further used
to discuss the notions of life, cognition and their evolution.

That’s all folks!